Reporting Suite


Serving up ROI one report at a time.

Leading workplaces craft elevated experiences using Crafty's real-time reporting. Maximize every dollar across your locations with insights into your office pantry program inside the Crafty Platform.

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Step Inside Your Reporting Center

How to manage the budget of your office supplies, snacks and coffee

Keep an eye on your budget in real-time and quickly align priorities.

Gone are the days of scraping PDF invoices into Excel. Set your budget and monitor your spending with easy reports by location, program, product category or date. Plus, get notified when your spending is coming close to target. We’ll work together to keep you on track.

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Operate strategically with visual reports you can filter and share.

Stay on top of every dollar you spend without wasting hours digging through paperwork. Our visual reports make it easy to find and share valuable insights to maximize your efforts. You can discover product consumption trends, location comparisons and category breakdowns.

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How to track consumption of your office snack program
How to centralize your office food provider invoices

Centralize all your food and beverage invoices in one platform.

Our billing center is your hub for all of your invoices across locations. You can even set up customized payment profiles to group, organize and process invoices exactly how you want.

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The Crafty Platform Reporting Feature

Smarter. Better.
Faster. Happier.

Time is money, and you don’t need your workplace team’s capacity getting weighed down by admin.

Before Crafty: Avg. pantry requires 104 hours per year on reporting and admin.

After Crafty: Avg. pantry requires 15 hours per year on reporting and admin.

Innovative tools to empower workplace teams.

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Office pantry program reporting for facilities managers

"My team and I can see exactly what's going on in each location within the platform in real-time. We'd been previously promised that kind of technology from other vendors, but it was never delivered. With Crafty, that tech was available from day one."

Dakota Blakely

Head of Real Estate and Workplace Services at NerdWallet.

Read the Case Study
How Nerdwallet creates a winning office experience